
運動蛋白能量棒-Clif Bar, Energy Bar, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 12 Bars, 2.4 oz (68 g) Each

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床的世界如果你還在考慮Clif Bar, Energy Bar, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 12 Bars, 2.4 oz (68 g) Each這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • Made with Organic Rolled Oats
  • Nutrition for Sustained Energy
  • High In Protein
  • No Trans Fats
  • 23 Vitamins & Minerals
  • 70% Organic Ingredients
  • Certified Organic by QAI
While trekking in Nepal, I met up with an expedition about to climb Dhaulagiri, one of the world's highest peaks. I figured that with more than 200 porters the expedition must have been traveling with at least 20,000 pounds of stuff. Expeditionary climbing takes an enormous amount of energy, equipment, and people, to put just a handful of individuals on top of a mountain. My friends and I prefer to climb alpine style; we move quickly, carry light packs, and leave no waste behind. Each campsite is a beautiful destination in itself; not simply a means to an end. I don't believe in reaching the top at any cost - in climbing or in business.

Clif Bar's journey resembles alpine climbing. We try to travel light and are committed to keeping our company, produc床的世界ts, people, community, and the earth healthy.

- Gary, Foun床的世界der and Owner of Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar, Energy Bar, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 12 Bars, 2.4 oz (68 g) Each





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